Events and Webinars

16th Group Indirect Tax Exchange

May 11 - 12, 2023

Renaissance Koepelkerk, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Join Ryan’s experts at this industry-leading annual indirect tax event, where tax professionals across Europe gather to discuss their challenges, new strategies, and industry developments, while benchmarking against how leading multinationals are implementing new indirect tax initiatives in their operations.


Hear their perspectives on VAT risk, compliance, and VAT automation in an informal, interactive environment. Learn from their experiences, compare approaches, and take away concrete strategies that you can use to improve indirect tax strategy in your enterprise.

Ryan Executives Sharing Thought Leadership and Best Practices at the Event

Andrew Burman


Andrew will be speaking at this event on the topic “Real-Life Insights from Starting Your Transformation Journey,” discussing a case study from Ryan and

Suzanne C. den Breems


Suzanne will be chairing day two of this event.