- Principal, Ryan, Vancouver office
- Specializes in providing strategic advice and consulting on commercial and residential properties, including complex development sites, industrial buildings, office buildings, shopping centres/retail complexes, and multifamily residential.
- Possesses expertise in property taxation and extensive experience on property tax, additional school tax, empty homes tax, speculation and vacancy tax, and property transfer tax issues.
- Regularly advises clients on tax strategies and represents them through the various levels of negotiations and appeals, both as an agent and expert witness.
- Senior Partner, property valuation, development consulting, and tax service company, British Columbia, Canada
- Provided expert testimony before the Property Assessment Appeal Board and in commercial arbitrations and several precedent-setting cases.
- Founder and Owner, private import/export business, Hong Kong
Mr. Tung regularly makes presentations to various business improvement associations (BIAs) and different organizations, including:
- Appraisal Institute of Canada
- Canadian Property Tax Association
- Urban Development Institute
- Appraisal Institute of Canada
- Editorial Committee
- Canadian Property Tax Association
- British Columbia Chapter Chair
- Real Estate Institute of Canada
- Sauder School of Business Alumni
- Urban Development Institute
- Tax Committee
- Bachelor of Commerce Degree, Urban Land Economics, The University of British Columbia
- Accredited Appraiser Canada Institute (AACI), Professional Appraiser (P.App, RI), Appraisal Institute of Canada