R&D Grant Writing

Our grant experts help you craft the strongest possible application. From a full-write service to an assessor standard review of your written application, Ryan offers a tailored approach to suit your business needs.

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What Is Grant Writing?

With our grant writing service, you’ll benefit from:

  • Strategic project guidance
  • Enhanced collaboration to strengthen your application access to expert R&D grant writers
  • More time to focus on your day-to-day

R&D grants support high-growth potential, high-risk technology projects. We’ve supported hundreds of clients in winning more than £250 million in R&D grants, allowing them to undergo cutting-edge innovation and boost company growth without giving away any equity.

Our Approach

Our service helps you navigate the grant writing process, improve your application’s competitiveness, and increase your chances of securing funding for your innovative project.

1. Project Guidance

We’ll guide you through a gap analysis of the project information using our unique Grant Readiness Levels (GRL®) approach to identify missing information and ensure your innovation project has the best chance of success.

2. Enhanced Collaboration

Having project partners can be particularly attractive to funders but also unlock lasting commercial opportunities for your organisation. Our team can advise on appropriate partners, collaborators, and subcontractors that can strengthen your grant funding application.

3. Application Development

Our expert writers translate your complex project details into clear, funder-friendly language. We’ll also submit the application for you. The documents developed provide you with a portfolio to use for future funding opportunities.

4. Interview Preparation

Some funder competitions require you to complete an interview or video pitch as the final stage before success. We’ll provide you with all the best tips and support to help you excel.

5. Due Diligence Assistance

During this stage, there will be a 1.5- to 2-month wait, depending on the funder, for assessors to review your grant application. If successful, we’ll advise you through due diligence to ensure you receive your grant offer letter, meaning your project can officially start.



How much grant money can I get?

The simple answer is – it varies. Every grant scheme has its own criteria, so there’s no standard grant available. Typically, grants range from £25,000 up to several million pounds, depending on the grant scheme you’re applying for, your project maturity, and the size of your business.

Grants are typically paid in arrears of actual costs being incurred, so you won’t receive any money until the end of the first quarter after your project has begun.

How long does it take to write a grant funding application?

We recommend a minimum of six weeks to develop a grant funding application (allowing plenty of time for reviews and edits). Post-submission, it typically takes 1.5 to 3 months, depending on the funding competition, to find out whether you’re successful or not.

How will my grant funding application be assessed?

Once the competition deadline has passed, applications are checked against the eligibility criteria of the competition. The applications that pass eligibility will then pass to the assessment phase.

Applications are assessed by independent assessors who can be experts from business and academia. The assessors are allocated based on the skills and expertise in the area relevant to your project, and the assessment process is managed securely and confidentially.

Typically, questions are scored by the assessors, and they may have the option to provide detailed application feedback.


Our dedicated team of market insight experts closely monitors the funding landscape, so we can rapidly match innovative projects to worthwhile opportunities.


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