Altrincham Office Phone: +44 (0) 300 303 1903 Fax: NA Indications Albert Buildings3 Scott Drive, Hale Altrincham, UK WA15 8AB Bottin des experts de Ryan Choisissez le domaine de pratique Domaines de pratique Droits de douane Fiscalité internationale Impôts des sociétés Recherche scientifique et développement expérimental Redevances à la Couronne Solutions technologiques Subventions gouvernementales Taxe sur la valeur ajoutée Taxes à la consommation Taxes foncières Taxes sur la masse salariale Taxes sur les carburants et taxes d’accise Valuation Aller Autres United Kingdom bureaux Birmingham Office Birmingham Business Park, 1st Floor, 2675 Kings Court, Birmingham, UK B37 7YE +44 (0) 121 788 4600 Bristol Office Bull Wharf,135-137 Redcliff Street Bristol, UK BS1 6QR +44 (0) 117 930 9270 Dartford Office Collingwood House, Crossways Business Park27 Schooner Court Dartford, UK DA2 6QQ +44 (0) 132 228 5588 Exeter Office Clockwise Offices,Broadwalk House,Southernhay West Exeter, UK EX1 1TS +44 (0) 139 242 7860 Great Portland Street Office 180 Great Portland Street London, UK W1W 5QZ +44 (0) 207 636 7347 Hatfield Office 66 The Transmitting StationGreat North RoadBrookmans Park Hatfield, UK AL9 6NE +44 (0) 203 488 2162 Heathrow Office Axis Two, Hurricane Way, Axis Park Heathrow, UK SL3 8AG +44 (0) 175 368 9000 London Office 4th Floor, One Smarts Place London, UK WC2B 5LW +44 (0) 20 7257 8510 Manchester Office Oakland House76 Talbot RoadOld Trafford Manchester, UK M16 0PQ +44 (0) 161 609 0630 Petersfield Office 5 Ridgeway Office Park, Bedford Road, Petersfield, UK GU32 3QF N/A Reigate Office The Omnibus Building8 Lesbourne Road Reigate, UK RH2 7LD +44 (0) 173 724 3328 Thame Office Unit 8, Thame Business Park, Wenman Road, Thame, UK OX9 3XA N/A