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Nova Scotia Revenue Tax Act Guides and Bulletins

Tax Development Apr 04, 2009

Nova Scotia has recently revised the following bulletins to reflect fee increases for the various applications, licenses and fees noted in the bulletin:

  • Guide No. 2001R8, “Purchases of Gasoline, Diesel Oil and Propane by Commercial Fishers”;
  • Guide No. 2002R6, “Purchases of Gasoline, Diesel Oil and Propane by Commercial Farmers”;
  • Guide No. 2003R7, “Purchases of Gasoline, Diesel Oil and Propane by Commercial Loggers”;
  • Guide No. 2004R6, “Purchases of Gasoline, Diesel Oil and Propane by Commercial Manufacturers”;
  • Guide No. 2005R4, “Purchase of Gasoline, Diesel Oil and Propane by Aquaculturist”;
  • Bulletin No. 5034R4, “Notice to IFTA Registrants International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) Revenue Act Regulations”;
  • Bulletin No. 5048R3, “Notice to Tobacco Retailers, Tobacco Wholesalers, and Tear Tape Manufacturer’s”;
  • Bulletin No. 5052R3, “Notice of Amendments to Part lll of the Revenue Act and the Revenue Act Regulations Requirements for Tobacco Marking and Tobacco Tear Tape Manufacturer’s Permit”; and
  • Bulletin No. 5067R1, “Fees for Permits and Services”.

These revised bulletins can be found on the Service Nova Scotia web site at the links noted below: 

Service Nova Scotia - Revenue Act Tax Guides
Service Nova Scotia - Revenue Act Tax Bulletins