Nova Scotia has recently revised the following bulletins to reflect fee increases for the various applications, licenses and fees noted in the bulletin:
- Guide No. 2001R8, “Purchases of Gasoline, Diesel Oil and Propane by Commercial Fishers”;
- Guide No. 2002R6, “Purchases of Gasoline, Diesel Oil and Propane by Commercial Farmers”;
- Guide No. 2003R7, “Purchases of Gasoline, Diesel Oil and Propane by Commercial Loggers”;
- Guide No. 2004R6, “Purchases of Gasoline, Diesel Oil and Propane by Commercial Manufacturers”;
- Guide No. 2005R4, “Purchase of Gasoline, Diesel Oil and Propane by Aquaculturist”;
- Bulletin No. 5034R4, “Notice to IFTA Registrants International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) Revenue Act Regulations”;
- Bulletin No. 5048R3, “Notice to Tobacco Retailers, Tobacco Wholesalers, and Tear Tape Manufacturer’s”;
- Bulletin No. 5052R3, “Notice of Amendments to Part lll of the Revenue Act and the Revenue Act Regulations Requirements for Tobacco Marking and Tobacco Tear Tape Manufacturer’s Permit”; and
- Bulletin No. 5067R1, “Fees for Permits and Services”.
These revised bulletins can be found on the Service Nova Scotia web site at the links noted below:
Service Nova Scotia - Revenue Act Tax Guides
Service Nova Scotia - Revenue Act Tax Bulletins