British Columbia (“BC”) continues to update existing information and release new publications and forms as they work their way towards providing as much guidance as possible on the application of the new Provincial Sales Tax (“PST”).
Bulletin PST 305, “Containers and Packaging Materials” provides information for organizations that purchase and use containers, packaging materials, reusable containers and labels in their activities. In certain situations, these items are taxable while in others they are exempt of the tax. This bulletin provides guidance and examples to help registrants determine their PST obligations when purchasing or selling these items.
Bulletin CTB 007, “Exemption for Members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps” has been revised to include updated information about changes the federal government is making to diplomatic or consular identity cards. Sellers and Lessors making supplies to a person who possesses a diplomatic or consular corps identity card are required to exempt the supply from PST once the purchaser is identified and the sale is properly documented.
FIN 355/MJV, “Application for Refund of Provincial Sales Tax (PST) - Multijurisdictional Vehicles” is a new form that allows a person to claim a refund of PST or multijurisdictional vehicle (“MJV”) tax paid in relation to an MJV. Also available is a Refund Claim Schedule template in Excel to help applicants support their application.