Events and Webinars

COST 2023 Canadian Tax Workshop for U.S. Companies

September 27 - 29, 2023

Ford Headquarters, Dearborn, Michigan

Join us at the COST 2023 Canadian Tax Workshop for U.S. Companies from September 27 to 29, 2023, where Ryan team members will be participating in several technical sessions and panels. The workshop will address key sales and income tax issues faced by U.S. companies doing business in and/or through Canada.


Ryan Presenters:
Day 1
  • Lisa McIntosh, Senior Manager, Sales and Use Tax
    • Learn the Canadian GST/HST Tax Lingo – Key Concepts, September 27, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. EDT
  • Clyde Seymour, Principal, International Income Tax
    • Basics on Complying with Canada’s Income Tax, September 27, 10:30 a.m.–2:45 p.m. EDT
  • Jim Day, Vice President, Thought Leadership
    • Minimizing (Legally) GST/HST Liability, September 27, 3:00–4:25 p.m. EDT

Day 2

  • Lisa McIntosh – Recovering GST/HST – Overview of Input Tax Credits and Rebates in a VAT World, September 28, 8:30–10:00 a.m. EDT
  • Clyde Seymour – Recent Tax Developments in Canada – the Digital Services Tax, Modernizing the GAAR, and Mandatory Disclosure Rules, September 28, 8:30–10:00 a.m. EDT
  • Jim Day – Mastering Canada’s Provincial Tax Systems (PST), September 28, 10:15–11:45 a.m. EDT
  • Clyde Seymour – It’s Complex – Key Payroll Tax and Withholding Considerations, September 28, 10:15–11:45 a.m. EDT
  • Brian Cardinal, Principal, Scientific Research and Experimental Development
    • Ways to Minimize Exposure to Canada’s Income Tax, September 28, 1:00–3:00 p.m. EDT

Day 3

  • Jim Day – Ask the Experts Panel, September 29, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. EDT

Ryan Executives Sharing Thought Leadership and Best Practices at the Event

Jim Day

Vice President, Thought Leadership

Jim will be presenting at the event.

Brian Cardinal


Brian will be presenting at the event.

Clyde Seymour


Clyde will be presenting at the event.