- Principal, Ryan, London office
- Specializes in helping clients achieve operational excellence across their tax functions through the use of technology, automation, data analytics, and operational change.
- Partner, global Big Six accounting firm
- Experience as a partner leading tax technology teams in two large global accounting firms, delivering clients with transformation, technology and operational change projects, digital workers, and ongoing managed services.
- Senior Director, global top tier turnaround and restructuring firm
- Hands-on experience in a number of interim roles to transform tax and finance functions as part of a wider turnaround or restructuring project.
- Led projects for the European Union to track financial assistance provided to member states.
- Worked on tax transformation projects for the governments of Puerto Rico and St. Maarten and tax collection analytics projects for the cities of New York and Boston.
- Corporate Senior Manager, multinational retailer
- Head of strategy and lead for a number of operational change projects, including “clicks and mortar” setup, new e-commerce offerings, and the reconfiguration of a number of support functions across the business.
Previous- Led projects for the UK’s Office of Tax Simplification, HM Revenue & Customs and HM Treasury, United Kingdom
Mr. Burman presents at and chairs tax transformation and technology-related events and has written a number of articles around the theme of the future of tax.
- Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
- Master of Business Administration Degree, London Business School
- Bachelor of Business Science Degree, Economics, University College London