- Principal and Practice Leader, Ryan, Mississauga office
- Specializes in providing Canadian indirect and transaction tax services to clients in a variety of industries.
- Develops and reviews Firm policies and training materials for Canadian operations.
- Responsible for overall operations of the Recovery and Advisory practices, as well as the Quality Assurance program for transaction taxes in Canada.
- Vice President, Canada Operations, Ryan, Mississauga office
- Director, Tax Recovery and Consulting Services, Ryan, Mississauga office
- Director, Tax Interpretations and Support, Canadian tax consulting firm
Mr. Gardisch lectures on various Canadian transaction tax topics for Ryan clients and the Ryan Professional Development Program. Additionally, he has appeared as a speaker for the following organizations:
- Institute for Professionals in Taxation
- Tax Executives Institute
Mr. Gardisch has written on sales tax issues for various Canadian tax journals. He has contributed to various publications with CCH Canadian, including:
- British Columbia Social Service Tax (SST)
- Common Audit Exposures
- Ontario Retail Sales Tax with Commentary
- Value-Added Taxation in Canada: Goods and Services Tax (GST), Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), and Quebec Sales Tax (QST)
- Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada – Certified Management Accountants, Canada
- The Society of Management Accountants of Ontario, Peel Chapter
- Bachelor of Arts Degree (Honours), Economics, York University
- Chartered Professional Accountant/Certified Management Accountant (CPA, CMA), The Society of Management Accountants of Ontario
- Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, In-Depth Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) Course – Parts I and II
- Chartered Professional Accountants, Specialized Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) Course – Financial Institutions