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British Columbia Issues Bulletins on Security Systems and Liquor Sold at Auctions

Tax Development Feb 20, 2015

Security Systems

British Columbia (“BC”) issued Bulletin PST 505, “Security Systems” to provide an explanation of how PST applies to sales, installation, and servicing of security systems.

The bulletin discusses how to determine the category of security system, as it could become part of real property, remain as tangible personal property, or be considered a “mixed system” with components that become real property and components that do not.

Other topics include services to security systems, bundled sales, and conditional sales agreements.

Liquor Sold at Auctions

BC Finance issued Bulletin PST 320 to explain the tax implications related to the sale of liquor at auction.  The rules pertaining to such sales may differ from rules related to liquor sold under a liquor licence or a special occasion licence, which is why both of these circumstances are described in  their own bulletins (Bulletin PST 119, “Restaurants and Liquor Sellers” and Bulletin PST 300, “Special Occasion Liquor Licences”).

Registered charities and non-profit organizations may be authorized by the Liquor Control and Licencing Branch to sell liquor at fundraising auctions.  This bulletin outlines the application of PST to such sales and the responsibilities of the seller to collect and remit taxes on the auction sales.