The CRA has issued GST/HST document RC542, “What's New? Changes affecting your GST/HST return”, which outlines a new method for reporting sales on electronic GST/HST returns. Sales can now be broken down and reported on the following lines:
- Line 90 is for reporting taxable sales (including zero-rated supplies) made in Canada;
- Line 91 is for reporting exempt supplies, zero-rated exports, and other sales and revenue; and
- Line 102 is for reporting, when applicable, an associate’s taxable sales (including zero-rated supplies) made in Canada.
The reporting of sales in this new format will allow the CRA to properly determine mandatory electronic filing requirements and filing frequency for various organizations. Exempt supplies and zero-rated exports reported on line 91 are not included, while an associate’s taxable sales on line 102 are included, in the threshold calculation for determining whether an organization is required to file electronically and the taxpayer’s filing frequency. At the present time, it appears that the use of the new lines to report sales is optional.
- Topics
- Sales Tax