News and Insights

British Columbia Updates Various Fuel Tax Bulletins

Tax Development May 02, 2018

The Government of British Columbia has updated the following fuel tax bulletins:

Bulletins MFT 004 and MFT-CT 005 were updated to reflect various fuel tax and carbon tax rate changes that became effective April 1, 2018.  In addition, Bulletin MFT 004 was updated to provide information on the routine review of refund applications and the supporting documentation that may be requested to support the amount of tax paid. 

Furthermore, Bulletin MFT-CT 001 was updated to reflect that refiner collectors that acquire fuel for retail sale from another refiner collector are exempt from posting security, retroactive to February 18, 2014.  This bulletin has also been updated to indicate that marine diesel fuel used in interjurisdictional cruise ships and ships prohibited from coasting trade under the Coasting Trade Act are exempt from motor fuel tax, effective April 1, 2018.  Additionally, this bulletin clarifies that annual reporting periods are no longer available for motor fuel or carbon tax remittances.