News and Insights

Saskatchewan Undergoes General Reassessment

Tax Development Jan 27, 2025

Taxpayers are reminded that revaluations for the 2025 property tax assessments in Saskatchewan are underway, with the largest municipalities having opened their tax rolls in January. As a result, the deadlines for appealing property tax assessment values are rapidly approaching.

Saskatchewan 2025 Property Tax Assessment Appeal Deadlines
Municipality Assessment Roll Open Appeal Deadline
Regina January 30 April 1
Saskatoon January 27 March 28
Prince Albert January 27 March 28
All other jurisdictions Upcoming 60 days from mailed date

Saskatchewan’s property tax system operates on a four-year assessment cycle. Consequently, the values used to assess properties in 2025 will generally apply through 2028. Current assessment cycle values are based on the market value of properties as of January 1, 2023.

Ryan’s Canadian Property Tax Calendar contains key dates and information for jurisdictions nationwide. 

Unique Process

Property owners have an annual right to appeal valuations used during an assessment cycle in Saskatchewan.

As is the case in most jurisdictions, Saskatchewan property tax valuations are developed using mass appraisal techniques (i.e., methods based on data collected across groups of comparable properties). However, unlike other jurisdictions, any appeal of a valuation in Saskatchewan must also be based on mass appraisal methods. The legislation explicitly prohibits appeals based on single-property appraisal techniques, rendering single-property appraisals and the individual performance of a particular property irrelevant. Further complicating matters, a provincial board order specifies that any market data arising after January 1, 2023, and information from outside of Saskatchewan may not be used to determine assessments for the years 2025 to 2028. 

Reviewing Your Assessment

Key factors property owners should consider when reviewing their assessments include:

  • The review period before the appeal deadline is 60 days after the mailing date printed on the assessment notice.
  • Market changes have had a significant impact on property values and tax burdens, as previous values were based on a valuation date of January 1, 2019.

Importance of Compliance

Saskatchewan’s property tax assessment process places significant importance on compliance with information requests from assessing authorities. While failing to comply with an information request typically results in the loss of any right to appeal in most provinces, in Saskatchewan, such failures can also result in charges, leading to a potential penalty of up to $10,000 in the case of a corporation.

Property owners are advised to respond promptly to any information requests and review valuations for all properties in Saskatchewan before the right to appeal is lost. All appeals must be filed by the legislated deadline. Please contact our team as soon as possible if you have any questions about the information request process or need support requesting an extension. 

Altus Property Tax and Ryan

As of January 1, 2025, Altus Group’s global property tax practice officially became part of Ryan. Our combined teams in Saskatchewan remain in place, and we are excited to continue providing clients with the highest level of service. For further information regarding this change, please refer to our official press release. 

More Information

Ryan’s property tax team has extensive experience with Saskatchewan assessment law and jurisprudence, as well as unparalleled knowledge of the mass appraisal system, including the modified market cost, multiple regression analysis, and stratification valuation methods. Combined with its collaborative approach to valuation issues and unmatched litigation experience, Ryan’s expertise can help you determine if a property valuation is appropriate and, where necessary, challenge the assessment.

If you have any questions or concerns about your property assessment in Saskatchewan, please contact your Ryan representative or use the form below.