Ryan Support Services
Our value goes well beyond the initial engagement and tax savings we deliver. Our clients gain exclusive access to the most comprehensive suite of post-engagement support services in the industry, including professional development courses, ongoing tax updates, authoritative answers to tax questions through our telephone tax hotline, and much more.

Ryan Training
Ryan Training™ courses cover important topics and North American tax issues.
Our courses are conveniently delivered in a classroom setting or online utilizing the latest Web-cast technology. We offer professional development credits to all attendees, and the manuals included in our courses serve as valuable reference guides. Courses in the Toronto area are held at the Ryan Training Centre, a dedicated, comfortable, and fully equipped facility. We also regularly schedule seminars across Canada and onsite for many of our national clients.
Knowledge Services
Our tax professionals identify, document, and package numerous issues, exposures, risks, and savings opportunities, covering all federal and provincial taxes. We maintain a comprehensive tax library that includes a complete selection of books, CDs, directories, reference guides, and manuals—many of them co-authored by Ryan experts in cooperation with prestigious publishers such as CCH. When there is a change in legislation, federally or provincially, you’ll always be in the know through our wealth of available knowledge services.

Ryan Tax Review Journals
Access relevant sales tax industry updates, emerging trends, and breaking tax developments that can impact your business. Subscribe to view our extensive library of Ryan Tax Review Journals and receive them on an ongoing quarterly basis.
Ryan Tax Developments
Access a wealth of current information, breaking tax legislation, and cutting-edge analysis from the industry's most seasoned Canadian tax professionals.
Ryan Articles
A collection of relevant, timely and insightful articles and papers written by Ryan tax experts.
Tax Resources
Tax rates and factors, audit tips, and other useful resources provided by Ryan’s Client Support Services Team.

Ryan TaxDirect®
Ryan TaxDirect® is the only service in Canada that instantly connects you to a seasoned tax specialist dedicated to providing fast, accurate answers to important tax questions. Ryan TaxDirect® is exclusively available to our clients and staffed by experts whose overriding priority is to handle tax inquiries, so there's no waiting. Our clients get the answers they need, when they need them.
The Ryan TaxDirect® staff are among the most knowledgeable professionals in Canada, all with backgrounds that include advanced financial education and extensive, real world business experience. The answers they provide are authoritative and extensively researched and double checked for accuracy.
This innovative Ryan TaxDirect® hotline handles more than 6,500 calls from tax and accounting professionals each year. It is just one of the many ways Ryan makes sales tax administration easier, more compliant, and more efficient for our clients.