Austin – 100 Congress Avenue Office
- Phone: 512.476.0022
- Fax: 512.476.0033
100 Congress Avenue
Suite 1900 Austin, TX 78701
Parking instructions
Visitor parking for the Ryan Austin office at 100 Congress Avenue is located next door, to the west, at the 101 Colorado Garage (140 W. Cesar Chavez Street, Austin, TX 78701). Entry to the visitor parking is accessed via the south side of the building from Cesar Chavez. Visitors should take a parking ticket upon entry of the garage and seek parking on floors 2–4. Take the garage elevator up to ground level and proceed via the connected walkway, to the east, into the lobby of the 100 Congress Building. Go to the elevator bank farthest to the left in the lobby and select floor 19. All guests must come to the 19th floor to be issued a visitor’s badge upon arrival. Please remember to bring the parking ticket with you into the Ryan office for validation. Present the validated ticket when exiting the 101 Colorado Garage through the guest exit lane.