- Principal, Ryan, Chicago office
- Specializes in commercial real estate property tax consulting, ensuring the real estate assessments are fair and equitable for clients and advising on the property tax implications of new acquisitions.
- Oversees the entire commercial real estate property tax appeal and consulting process for Cook County, Illinois and several Midwest states, which includes compiling market research, constructing valuation analyses and direct capitalization models, filing appeals, negotiating settlements, and developing tax projections and budgets.
- Experience with various property types, including office and medical office buildings, freestanding retail, shopping centers, hospitality, multifamily, assisted-living facilities, industrial buildings, and parking facilities.
- Director, Property Tax, Ryan, Chicago office
- Senior Manager, Ryan, Chicago office
- Manager, national property tax consulting firm
- Senior Consultant, Property Tax, national accounting firm
- Associate, Real Estate Valuation and Lease Advisory Services, national financial advisory services firm
- Consultant, Property Tax, national accounting firm
- Institute for Professionals in Taxation
- Bachelor of Business Administration Degree, Finance, University of Notre Dame
- Magna cum laude
- Certified Member of the Institute (CMI), Institute for Professionals in Taxation