Texas Franchise Tax, Portfolio #2400, recently released by BNA Tax Management, provides a detailed discussion on a wide range of issues dealing with the taxation of corporate entities in Texas and addresses important considerations for all business enterprises doing business in the state.
This Portfolio gives a detailed discussion of the federal limitations imposed on Texas' corporate tax scheme, including a discussion of constitutional limitations such as the due process and commerce clauses and federal statutory limitations, such as P.L. No. 86-272. The author offers insights concerning the Texas Franchise tax, specifying how the tax is computed and noting the types of activities and entities that are exempt from the levy. The discussion also includes issues affecting specific entities such as S corporations, partnerships, and limited liability companies.
In addition, the Portfolio covers topics such as apportionment and allocation and describes the credits and deductions available to corporate entities. Administrative and return requirements are also described in detail.
The Texas Taxpayer's Bill of Rights is analyzed and tax planning considerations are discussed.
The Portfolio was authored by Eric L. Stein, Esq., CPA., who is the managing principal of Ryan & Company's Austin office. Mr. Stein received a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from the University of Texas at Austin and a law degree from Texas Tech University. Mr. Stein earned a Master of Laws in Taxation degree from Boston University School of Law and is a certified public accountant. Mr. Stein was assisted in the researching and drafting of the portfolio by Ms. Sandi Farquharson, Esq., CPA, Dispute Resolution Group Manager, also of the Austin office of Ryan & Company.
Texas Franchise Tax is the latest addition to the Tax Management Multistate Tax Portfolio Series, a continuing program providing authoritative analysis, state specific information, and practice documents for use in state tax planning. The Series, as well as the Portfolio authored by Mr. Stein, is available in print, on CD-ROM, and the Internet at http://www.bnatax.com/products/tax/tmis.html. A subscription to Tax Management Portfolios on the Web must be purchased to view the library of Portfolios available at that site, or you may register for a free 30-day trial subscription. Individual Portfolios, in print, are offered separately for $185 by the publisher, BNA Tax Management, a subsidiary of The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., 1250 23rd Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037, 800.223.7270 or via email at tm@bna.com.
Mark Carrington
BNA Tax Management Releases Texas Franchise Tax Portfolio Authored by Eric L. Stein, Principal of Ryan & Company
Tax Development Oct 27, 2000