News and Insights

Texas Tax Amnesty Begins May 1, 2018

Tax Development Dec 12, 2017

The Texas Comptroller recently announced that the state’s tax amnesty program, authorized by Senate Bill 1 (2017), will begin May 1, 2018. Under the amnesty program, the Comptroller is authorized to waive penalty and/or interest on most taxes and fees administered by the Comptroller, including sales and use taxes, franchise tax, severance taxes, and most fuels taxes. It will not include taxes due on the International Fuels Tax Agreement (IFTA), unclaimed property, or property taxes.

The amnesty program is available to both registered and non-registered taxpayers. But it is not available to taxpayers who are under audit. In addition, it does not apply to established tax liabilities. Additional information regarding the amnesty program and program documentation and forms will be available from the Comptroller’s office.


Adina Christian