News and Insights

2020 Truth in Millage (TRIM) Notices in Florida

Tax Development Aug 17, 2020

Counties across Florida will soon be issuing 2020 valuation assessments despite current economic conditions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.Counties across the state of Florida will be issuing 2020 valuation assessments in the coming week. Despite current economic conditions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, property owners can anticipate increases in their assessments.

2020 Florida Truth in Millage (TRIM) Chart

In some instances, these increases could be considered above market value. With the expected tax rate increase, property tax liabilities will go up substantially over prior years. Property owners should consider aggressively pursuing filing appeals for the 2020 tax year.

If you are interested to learn more about this revaluation and the potential impact to your property tax liability, please contact the experts at Ryan for additional details. Our Florida team represents $104 billion in assessed value throughout the state, including all commercial property types and classes. For more information regarding tax developments, visit our COVID-19 Tax Updates site.


Imran Thobani

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