The experts at Ryan have recently learned that the assessor’s office of King County, Washington will now require that any appeal filed include a copy of the original value change notice. The Department of Revenue (DOR) has provided that an appeal, including eAppeals, can only be deemed complete by the Board of Equalization (BOE) if a copy of the assessor’s original valuation notice or a determination is provided with an appeal filing. Currently, the Board will not accept a website printout as an original valuation notice. In addition to this new requirement, taxpayers also need to consider that the office will remain closed for in‐person services until mid‐January 2022.
The DOR is also advising taxpayers to file their online appeals well in advance of the filing deadline to avoid any unforeseeable system issues that may occur. In the event of a system outage, the King County BOE would like the taxpayer to mail the appeal materials to the BOE office postmarked no later than the appeal due date.
Ryan’s local property tax experts continue to be available via email and telephone to discuss the best way to proceed with filing appeals and how to secure tax minimization.
Matt Poling
Sandy Guilfoil
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