News & Insights

Tennessee State Board of Equalization Reverses Shelby County Historic Reappraisal Change

Tax Development Oct 18, 2021

Tennessee State Board of Equalization Reverses Shelby County Historic Reappraisal Change

On June 7, 2021, the Shelby County Commission voted 8 to 5 to move from a four-year to a two-year reappraisal cycle. Once the initiative was announced, many local mayors aggressively voiced their opposition, mobilizing quickly to block approval by the State Board of Equalization (BOE). The vote was delayed in August and finally decided on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 when the state BOE voted to uphold the current four-year cycle. Therefore, Shelby’s next revaluation will remain on schedule for the 2025 tax season.

Ryan’s local property tax experts are always available to assist with guidance on new acquisitions or revisiting your current portfolio. Please reach out to one of our jurisdictional specialists if you have any questions.


Brad Wallace

Adam Travis

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