Ryan Talks Tax Podcast | Episode 11 | Canadian Government Funding Opportunities
The Ryan Talks Tax Podcast is designed to keep you up to date on the latest developments in Canadian tax and government funding initiatives. Listen to our experts discuss emerging issues, significant legislative changes, and recent government announcements.
In Episode 11, we examine major funding announcements included in the 2022 federal budget. With the Canadian government shifting its focus from pandemic management and recovery towards economic sustainability and building resilience, numerous funding initiatives were announced, including several programs designed to promote clean growth and further innovation in clean energy technology. From the $15 billion Canada Growth Fund to be made available to a wide range of industries to more targeted initiatives, like the Agricultural Clean Technology Program and Strategic Innovation Fund, our guests provide insight on several key programs for Canadian business and advice on how to avoid missing out on a funding opportunity.
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David Douglas
Principal, Practice Leader, Government Funding
Ayesha Raza
Director, Government Grants
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