Ryan Talks Tax Podcast | Episode 24 | Debunking Myths About SR&ED
The Ryan Talks Tax Podcast is designed to keep you up to date on the latest developments in Canadian tax and government funding initiatives. Listen to our experts discuss emerging issues, significant legislative changes, and recent government announcements.
In Episode 24, we review the benefits of Canada’s Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Tax Credit. David Douglas, Brian Cardinal, and Jeffrey Stewart join us to dispel numerous myths about the SR&ED program, from the belief that a company must revolutionize its industry to qualify to the notion that only successful and complete projects are eligible for the tax credit. Common misconceptions regarding the impact of multiple ongoing projects and other forms of government funding on eligibility, as well as how the program is administered, are also tackled.
In debunking the myths, our guests provide valuable insight and clarity on the true eligibility criteria and operation of this successful innovation funding program.
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David Douglas
Principal, Practice Leader, Scientific Research and Experimental Development
Brian Cardinal
Principal, Scientific Research and Experimental Development
Jeffrey Stewart
Senior Manager, Scientific Research and Experimental Development
These materials are provided on a complimentary basis for informational purposes only. Because facts and circumstances vary from case to case, you should conduct an independent analysis and consult with qualified tax professionals before taking any action in your particular situation. Ryan and its affiliates are not responsible for, and expressly disclaim, any liability for damages or losses arising out of use of or reliance on these materials or on any of the information contained in these materials.