Ryan Talks Tax Podcast | Episode 26 | Top Government Funding Programs for 2024

Ryan Talks Tax Podcast | Episode 26In Episode 26, Stephanie Tenneson and Melissa Corey from Ryan and Mentor Works’ Government Grants team join us to discuss current trends in Canadian government funding and highlight key programs to watch out for in 2024.

Our guests provide sound advice on organizational planning and prioritization for funding, whether targeting industry-specific or broad-based programs. Melissa and Stephanie also explain how Ryan can help an organization stay on top of the myriad of available programs —for both today and tomorrow— and share a few best practices for securing funding.


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Melissa Corey
Director, Government Grants

Stephanie Tenneson
Director, Government Grants

These materials are provided on a complimentary basis for informational purposes only. Because facts and circumstances vary from case to case, you should conduct an independent analysis and consult with qualified tax professionals before taking any action in your particular situation. Ryan and its affiliates are not responsible for, and expressly disclaim, any liability for damages or losses arising out of use of or reliance on these materials or on any of the information contained in these materials.