Fuels and Excise Tax
Ryan cuts through the complexity of fuels and excise taxes hidden in the price of fuel and has uncovered innovative tax issues that have saved hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients and any industry producing, consuming, distributing, or refining fuels.
Contact UsFuels and Excise Tax Services
Ryan’s Fuels and Excise Tax experts work with our clients to solve a variety of issues, such as performing overpayment reviews that result in state and federal fuels tax refund opportunities on fuel consuming equipment. Our professionals also have the industry expertise to conduct audit support for state or federal fuels tax audits. Securing fuels and excise tax refund opportunities is one of the many specialties within Ryan that enables us to provide additional value to our clients in the many industries that produce, consume, distribute, and refine fuels.
Ryan has extensive experience in a wide array of fuels and excise tax exemptions, including: dual-usage of fuel, exported fuel exemption, foreign fuel exemption, idling fuel tax recovery, manufacturing exemptions, non-transportation equipment, off-road fuel usage, power-take-off (PTO) systems, and sales tax on exempt fuel.
Overpayment Review Services
Ryan overpayment reviews identify and substantiate all available state, local, and federal fuels and excise tax exemptions and credits. We help determine how available exemptions apply to different types of equipment, address the impact of pending statutes of limitations, and outline ways to enhance the inherent limitations of many internal systems to track fuel consumption.
Compliance Services
Ryan provides a valuable range of compliance solutions. We perform detailed breakdowns of our client’s current approach to tax compliance and reporting, and develop an enhanced set of streamlined processes to improve efficiency and effectiveness. We implement standardized and simplified practices, taking advantage of current technology to automate and document those processes to ensure greater tax compliance accuracy.
Audit Support Services
Ryan’s audit support services encompass a wide range of requirements, including audit risk assessments, documentation, and voluntary disclosures. Our skilled professionals help mitigate audit risk by ensuring that our client’s tax controversy processes are current and objective, as well as making certain that the documentation and pre-audit planning processes required to defend an audit are in place. We analyze our client’s approach to tax compliance and reporting looking for lapses that would trigger audit exposure, while remaining focused on identifying and minimizing audit risks early in the process. We manage the day-to-day information flow between the client and the taxing authority to ensure timely, complete, and accurate responses and assist with accelerated dispute resolution processes to reduce the costs and other burdens associated with audit defense activities.
Procurement Process Review Services
Often through the purchase of dyed or bonded fuel, a client can eliminate the necessity of filing fuels and excise tax refunds. Our procurement process reviews identify operations that qualify for these preferential procurement arrangements. We begin by examining our client’s fuel spend by type of equipment. We identify any additional opportunities to secure refunds and complete the necessary paperwork to file the identified claims. We provide reasonable and supportable estimates for fuel consumption where exact amounts cannot be determined. Finally, we develop a strategic fuel model to improve the profitability and effectiveness of future business planning.
Ryan Expertise
Ryan has been a trusted partner that has delivered substantial value and tax savings for many years.

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Integrated End-to-End Tax Services
Ryan is focused on your overall tax performance, providing innovative solutions to the underlying causes of the errors we identify and creating greater opportunities to measure and improve your efficiency, develop a more strategic approach to tax, and deliver outstanding value to your shareholders.